Potatoez | No shit! just shove this down the tube and push the button....it helpz when u point this in the air,but when u shoot a car it leave a nice big dent....be ready to run after doing this |
canz... | get a pop can rap a towel covered in gasolean and fire it....This lookz kewl as fuck at night! |
tomatoes | These thingz hurt like bitchz when u get hit |
G.I. Joes | Put a potatoe in and then put ParaPalejectz (G.I. Joes with missing legz,arm,head,ect.) and watch them flyy this is kewl when u have parachutz attached |
tennis ball | Aim at a 45º degree angle down at concreate shoot it then try to catch it |
RATZ | if u have a rat problem get ur nieghborz cat to kill one then shove it down the tub and then RATTI TAT TAT goes bye bye bye |
GARBAGE | if u have a messy room make a cannon with a huge barrel and just use it as ur garbage...when u gotta take out the trash aim over a hill(NOT URZ!) a fire | Penz,pencilz, | Put a potatoe down the tub then arm it with penz pencilz markerz what ever u can think and shoot a rabbit...after doing this u will luagh ur ass off every time ur in school and need a pencil,but hey to see the rabbit dance and do flipz itz worth it |